First Aid for Washing Detergent in Eye

By Bill, posted

UK doctors report that up to 40% of chemical eye injuries in children are caused by laundry detergent capsules. The average age is two years old (NHS UK). The main problem is that the capsules ‘look like sweets’ and have a tendency to break open.

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There is a simple first aid treatment protocol that needs to be applied after a chemical eye incident, which can limit damage and can help the eye to recover.


Most cases are diagnosed by assessing the environment and the child. Check for open cupboards and evidence of washing capsules on the floor. Look out for the following symptoms:

  • Child in a distressed state
  • Itchy eyes
  • Red marks on the face / around eye
  • Eye more closed than usual

Treatment - What you will need

  • Mains tapwater (cold)
  • Small plastic cup
  • Eye pad / dressing

Consider keeping these items at home - particularly if you have young children.


  1. It is best to take a deep breath and remain calm - even if the child appears extremely distressed. The main thing that will help them is to pour water gently into the eye. This can be achieved by tilting their head back and pouring water directly in (using a small plastic cup).
  2. It can help to gently pull the eyelids back, which ensures that all of the chemicals are washed away. Make sure that if only one eye is affected, you cover the non-affected eye to prevent cross contamination.
  3. Keep this process going for 20 minutes to dilute the corrosive properties of the chemicals.
  4. Place an eye pad / dressing over the area, to prevent the child from rubbing it, and transport them to A&E for a medical examination.

Helpful Hint - Sit a very small child on the sink or a larger child on the toilet in the bathroom.

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