Using Resources in the Classroom

By Bill, posted

Teachers will typically need to make sure their lessons do not become boring or repetitive. One way to avoid this is by offering a wide range of different resources and fresh approaches within the classroom.


Powerpoint based presentations offer excellent visual aids to learners. They encompass a multitude of different resources like photos, graphs and videos all in one application. This can help make classroom lectures dynamic and interesting in nature.

Teachers need to be wary of not being overly reliant on power point as ultimately it is knowledge of a subject area and technique of delivery that will help learners grasp a subject area.

Flip Charts and Whiteboards

Flip charts are great for the hear and now, helping get ideas down quickly before they disappear. Groups of learners can each take a sheet and discuss answers then present back to the whole class.

Flip charts can be portable and taken from course to course which can help freshen up a lesson that may not be going entirely to plan.

Hand Outs and Work Packs

Hand outs can help break up lectures as learners will naturally have limited attention spans on one individual task. Quizzes, fill in the blanks and real life case studies can bring a fresh approach to courses.

Teachers will need to be organised, ensuring enough resources have been photocopied for the whole group or the message may be lost.

Role Play

Role plays are particularly good for practical related courses like first aid. They can help simulate real life incidents such as a two way dispute on a customer service related course.

Teachers need to be wary however that some students may respond negatively to being put in a role play environment and will not perform to their usual standard. Role play is not necessarily suited for every type of learner.

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