Fireworks First Aid

By Bill, posted

It’s an exciting time of year when most of us are preparing for bonfire night, getting the fireworks and sparklers ready. It can however lead to accidents and injury, the most common being burns.

A minor burn can occur very easily and is often caused by a child picking up a used sparkler that hasn’t cooled down. These burns will be red, sore and may even blister. Immediate treatment should be applied to the affected area by holding under cold running water for a minimum of 10 minutes. When it has cooled, use a sterile, non-sticky dressing to cover it. If a dressing is not to hand, cling film is a good alternative. If the burn is larger than the palm of your hand or is a deep burn, seek medical attention immediately.

A severe burn can occur if somebody’s clothes catch fire. Take immediate action using ‘Stop, Drop, Wrap, Roll’;

Stop the casualty from running around

Drop them to the floor

Wrap them in a blanket, coat or rug

Roll them along the floor until the flames have been smothered

Treatment should then be applied to the affected area by holding under cold running water for a minimum of 10 minutes. It may be easier to use a hose or shower, depending on the mass of the burn. Call an ambulance, make them comfortable and continue to cool the burn with cold running water. Use a sterile dressing to cover the affected area.

In all burn circumstances;

. NEVER use lotions, creams or ointments

. NEVER remove any clothing stuck to the burnt area

. NEVER use adhesive dressings

. NEVER break blisters

Always have a fully stocked first aid kit and ensure you are aware of what to do in an emergency, and then you can be sure to enjoy the fun of fireworks night.

Further information about how to treat burns can be found on our Emergency First Aid at Work and Paediatric First Aid courses.

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