AVPU Acronym

By Bill, posted

The AVPU acronym is commonly applied when trying to get a response out of a casualty who is injured or ill. It is useful to ascertain whether a casualty is breathing and can determine the level of consciousness.


It is useful to ascertain if the casualty is moving as you approach them. Natural movement is a sign of a casualty who is at the very least breathing. If the answer is no then proceed to V.


Does the casualty respond to speech as you approach them? This is a sign that they are breathing even if suffering with serious injury. If the answer is no then keep moving through the Acronym onto ‘P’.


Placing your hands on the shoulders and gently shaking is an international wide way of getting a response out of a casualty. Speak clearly into both ears as the casualty could be struggling to hear or even be deaf. Keep positive by offering a reassuring voice.

The ‘P’ can also stand for pain / pinch. There is an outside chance that the casualty may be asleep or messing around (more common in children). One final way of getting a response could be to pinch the ear lobes or finger tips. This will not cause damage but may stir the casualty and avert panic.


Assume the casualty is unresponsive when all of the above fails. This means they are unconscious and their airway, breathing and circulation will need to be considered.

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